Custom Bunting Design

Custom Bunting Design

Regular price £3.50 Sale


It is important before sending us your photos, that you are the owner of the image or that you have obtained written permission. We will not print copyright images and by purchasing this item, you are confirming that you have had permission to use this photograph. 

Please note that the quality of the print is based on the quality of the image. Refunds cannot be given if the fault is a result of your own actions such as product misuse or if personalisation is mis-spelt or if you have uploaded an image of a low resolution or size. We do not edit images and print as received.

For custom design sheets, please note that these designs may be listed on our website for general sale after the design.   For exclusive designs, please contact us first for a quote.

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask. To prolong the life of your bows, you may find sealing them with an anti fray or Mod Podge type glue useful. Always use sharp blades when cutting to get the best results. Please note, the bow in the picture does not come with the purchase. If you would like to purchase a ready made logo bow, please contact our page.